Good morning everyone. What a difference a month makes. I want to thank you all for doing your part to keep each of us and our community as safe as we can. I think it is so interesting how everyone is expressing their appreciation for each other, their friends, their neighbours and their community. I love seeing the banner “Apart but not Alone” to remember we are part of a community that works together. And I cannot believe how many face masks you have all made and given away!
But time is marching on and one day dissolves into another, and I have to check my computer to recall what day it really is. At least, we quilters have something we love doing to keep us alert and active. And I have loved looking at your projects on social media. I have made a huge dent in all my UFOs by bribing myself that I can start 2 new projects if I get others done first. I have no idea when I thought these would ever get finished and it is a good feeling.
It is mid April and we have to make a decision about the rest of our quilting year. We have the guidance on social distancing that we have all been following, but there is also guidance to businesses and organizations about measures they should take. It looks like we cannot hold any large gatherings until at least the end of June. And I am not sure that the Public Health folks would recognize quilting as an essential service! So the KQG Exec has taken the decision to cancel our meetings and activities for the rest of the year. We hope to work over the summer to have a great program for you starting in September if we can all bring this virus under control. We will hold the September meeting taking all actions necessary to stay safe and healthy, so make a mask to wear!
A Note from the Glen Cairn United Church: These are strange times, indeed. As you shelter in place, please know we are sending prayers your way and that we hope to see you all again soon. And if any of you are ever interested in attending our online 10:00 am Sunday worship service with Rev. Elaine Beattie, please feel welcome to check out our website at for more details.