Kanata Quilt Guild

About Us

The Kanata Quilt Guild was started in 2010 by Judy Emond. The first meeting was held September 8th, 2010 at the Glen Cairn United Church. The idea for the guild started a few months earlier when Judy overheard a conversation among a group of quilters. They were upset because they could not attend guild meetings anymore as they were all held in the evening and many of them were unable to drive after dark. She sent out approximately 500 emails to quilters in Ottawa and the surrounding area to see if there was an interest in a new, daytime guild. The response was overwhelmingly positive.

Judy decided on a west end location because it was the area she knew best, and Kanata was a central point, easy to access. It was important to have a big, bright, accessible room with kitchen access and the Glen Cairn United Church matched these requirements. Judy hoped for 40 to 50 people at the first meeting but 62 ladies came, and of those, 60 signed up for membership. The goal of 100 members was met by the end of the second meeting, and it is nearly double that in 2017.

The Blue Heron was chosen for the guild membership cards, because Judy used to see them in the water along Eagleson Road every time she went to Kanata.

The hope in starting the guild was that the members would share ideas, projects, expertise and friendship while fostering and preserving the tradition of quilting and at the same time give back to the community.


Read our constitution document. The constitution was updated at the Annual meeting in September 2022.

Annual Report

Read the 2023-2024 Annual Report for more information on recent activities of the Guild.

Volunteer roles

Read a brief description of the responsibilities of each of the executive and volunteer positions.