Kanata Quilt Guild

Autumn Leaves Curved Piecing Workshop with Ruth Kennedy

An Invitation from the Kemptville Quilters Guild
Monday, April 10, 2017 9:30am to 4:00pm
Southgate Church, Kemptville, Ontario
Cost $40.00
Artist Ruth Kennedy from Fergus, Ontario has been quilting since 2000, but has had a lot of sewing exposure and experience since she was very young. Ruth loves sewing curves, and her award-winning quilt, “You Still Give Me Butterflies” was featured on an International Plowing Match brochure. CQA describes Ruth as “an enthusiastic quilter and teacher, who loves to share her quilting passion with others. She has always enjoyed creating with fabric and the sewing machine. This passion has been reinforced by teaching locally, at guilds across Ontario, and internationally. She has won many awards for her creations and has a strong focus on teaching others the creative possibilities of curved piecing. Finding friendly and enthusiastic quilters wherever she goes continues to fuel her passion for both quilting and teaching.” If you missed Ruth’s workshops at Quilt Canada 2016, you have an opportunity to take a class with her in Kemptville.
The workshop is designed for confident beginners, as well as more experienced quilters, and uses a novel technique with endless possibilities. This technique involves piecing together from the top, using a fine zig-zag (or hand work) while hatch marks on the freezer paper design ensures precise piecing of sometimes difficult curves. Although a pattern is supplied to introduce the method, this really is a technique class. Part of the day is spent helping you discover the flexibility and possibilities of this new skill set.
It is sure to be an enjoyable day where you will learn a new technique, stimulate the creative thought processes and enjoy the company of other participants. Contact Ann Hedberg at annhedberg529@gmail.com to reserve your spot, or call 613-989-2628.
Maximum 18 participants.