Kanata Quilt Guild

Lanark County Quilt Guild Workshops

The Lanark County Quilt Guild has 3 workshops coming up and there is room in all 3.

Saturday, January 20 – Cathy Price is teaching a one day workshop, 20″ Log Cabin Pillow with a Button Closure, perfect for beginners or those with fear of buttons! Click here for more info.

2. Saturday, February 24 – Bridget O’Flaherty is teaching Landscape Thread Painting by Numbers, a great class for both beginner and intermediate sewists. Start with the outline of a serene lake and pine tree and learn how to shade and add detail work with thread. Click here for more info.

3. Wednesday, March 28 – Toronto fibre artist, fabric designer and innovator Libs Elliott is giving a one day workshop titled: The Rebel Quilt. Libs is a Toronto based modern fabric designer and artist, who uses computer code and technology to transfer a traditional craft into modern functional art. Click here for more info.

Anyone interested can either contact Marlene or Linda.