Kanata Quilt Guild


At our Meeting on March 12, we agreed to undertake some measures to help stop the spread of the COVID – 19 virus.

As a way of being prudent, we are canceling the rest of the events for March, notably the March In-Town Retreat, and the Sew Days on March 18 and April 2. Until further notice, all planned April events and the guild meeting, including the retreat at Fort Coulonge, will be assessed on an event by event basis, as there is a more definitive approach proposed to groups like us. The Exec will be assessing the situation weekly and will let you know as soon as we make a decision. We will refund the In-Town retreat funds at our next guild meeting. Your Fort Coulonge cheques have not been cashed yet so we will hold them until a decision is made either way.

Additional Information

Yesterday, the Glen Cairn United Church contacted all its renters with some requests with regard to the COVID-19 virus. As recommended by the United Church of Canada in accordance with WHO, they asked that we please communicate to our group the following precautions in order to prevent the spread of the virus should there be an outbreak in our community:

  • Regular and thorough hand-washing. Hand-sanitizing is the next best alternative.
  • When coughing or sneezing, please do so into a tissue or use your elbow bend
  • Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth.
  • Stay at home if feeling unwell, or if in contact with anyone that has visited an infected area.
  • Practice social distancing.
  • Wipe down any surfaces used with a cleaning agent.

Yesterday, the Legion Exec also addressed the COVID-19 situation and came to the conclusion to assess each event on a case by case basis. We will let both the Church and the Legion know what we are planning.

The President also contacted the City of Ottawa Medical Office of Health who advised that we follow the WHO guidelines and remain vigilant and prudent. We used all this info to come to our decisions listed above and will continue to monitor the latest advice from medical experts.

Thank you for your support and stay safe, Leslie