Kanata Quilt Guild

Welcome Flyer and Membership Reminder

Join Us on September 10th

We are thrilled to see so many people returning to our guild.  It is difficult to design and plan activities when we cannot meet together, but we think we have an exciting year ahead!  We have  speakers from Manitoba, California, Australia, Connecticut and Ontario, and a few more as well.  All fascinating!  All on ZOOM!

Attached is the Welcome Flyer that you normally get at the beginning of the September meeting. It lists most of the guild activities for the coming year and most of our set of Canadian and International speakers!  We hope there is something here for everyone and that you will enjoy the year!

Also attached is the Membership form for those who have not joined us for 2020/2021 yet.  

If you haven’t already signed up, we hope you will in the next few days.  We have lowered the annual fee to $25.00 as we do not have to pay any rent this year.  And we are offering three prizes to draw from all the renewed and new members who sign up by September 8.  This year, you can buy your draw tickets at the beginning of the year.  See all the contents of the 5 bimonthly draws attached below.  And we have set up the capacity for e transfers to make your lives even simpler. All the details are on the membership form.  Act fast if you wish to be part of the Member’s directory distributed in October based on membership as of September.

When you send in the membership form, be sure to check all the boxes that you have read and abide by our membership rules.

We hope you will join us soon. Looking forward to renewing our friendships, Leslie, Liz, Lynn, Dianne, Judith, Pauline, Debby and Brigid

Membership Form

Welcome Flyer

Raffle basket details