Kanata Quilt Guild

November Program – Beth Cameron

We’re lucky to have Beth Cameron’s trunk show for the November meeting. Beth has been quilting for over 45 years and has made hundreds of quilts. She has a certificate in Visual Arts from Algonquin College, where she also facilitated the Summer Academy of the Arts.

Beth served on the Board of Directors of the Canadian Quilters Association and has written many articles for the Canadian Quilters’ Magazine. She has won many awards for her quilts and appeared in Lark Publications’ 500 Traditional Quilts. Her quilts have been juried into the International Quilters Association, the Canadian Quilters’ Association, Vermont Quilt Festival, and she was even juried into The International Quilt Exhibition 2016 in Taiwan! Several of her quilts have toured the USA for a year with the International Quilters Association.

You may have met Beth in her role as a sales associate and teacher at a local quilt shop. She refers to her sales job as non-profit since money earned goes back into the shop. She also designs and sells her quilt patterns. You’re in for a real treat!