Kanata Quilt Guild

President’s Welcome

Welcome to the new guild year. September will be the 15th anniversary of the Kanata Quilt Guild. Our first meeting is Thursday, September 12 at Glen Cairn United Church and we are starting the year with a Quilt Social. We will gather in the Main Hall after 9:30 am to see the ideas and activities that we have for members for the coming year – Program Speakers, Workshops, Round Robin, Show and Tell, InTown Retreat, 50/50 Draw, Free Table, Sew Along and Sew Days plus a lot of camaraderie and exchange of ideas with your fellow quilters. Each Program Activity will have a table in the Main Hall where you can look at samples for the year and sign up for activities. You will have a chance to meet the new Executive members and share your ideas with them.

We also have Happy Wife Quilting as our Shop of the Month, bringing new fabrics and tools to assist us. (Main Hall)

At 10:30 we will retire to the Sanctuary for a Trunk Show by Carol Darou and Cathy Price. These sisters have been friends with us for many years and we look forward to seeing their latest award-winning quilts. Afterward, we will invite all the guild members to bring their quilts for Show and Tell. A highlight of every guild meeting is looking at each others’ quilts so please remember to bring one or two. Please remember not to bring refreshments into the Sanctuary and that the meetings are scent free.

We are excited to welcome you to a new year of the Kanata Quilt Guild and look forward to renewing our friendships and learning from each other.